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Reliance Fire Protection

Preventative Maintenance

For a detailed fire sprinkler inspection, businesses can rely on Reliance Fire Protection. RFP’s technicians will conduct an in-depth inspection of your system and provide a detailed report upon completion.

The purpose of fire codes is to establish reasonable minimum requirements and standards for all life safety and property protection. One of the areas addressed in fire codes is the design, installation, operation and maintenance of devices, equipment and systems designed in order to prevent, mitigate, control and extinguish the fire, explosions or other life safety hazards. 


It is our responsibility at Reliance Fire Protection to assist you throughout all of your fire life safety needs. In order to do that it is our utmost priority to notify you if your system indicates any sign of a code violation to ensure we maintain each sprinkler system that we service to function properly. If a deficiency is found we issue a letter at the end of a confidence test to notify the owner, tenant or property manager of the location in violation. 


If you have received a Notice of Violation from the city fire official, please contact Reliance Fire Protection at 206-682-6636. It is important to contact us right away to avoid a fine from the city. Our experienced staff can answer any fire code violation questions you may have and work with your resolve the fire code violations.



Regular Inspections

To avoid fire code violations, speak to us about setting up regularly scheduled inspections.

Call us today to learn more.

Reliance Fire Protection offers the following benefits:

All types of fire sprinkler inspections. We can inspect all fire sprinkler systems according to NFPA 25 requirements.


  • Wet sprinkler 

  • Dry sprinkler 

  • Pre-action 

  • Foam system

  • Deluge system 

  • Backflow Preventer

  • Fire pumps inspection and testing

  • Fire hydrant inspection and testing 

  • Flushing & Corrosion protection



Electronic Inspection Reports


Our fire sprinkler technicians are equipped with mobile tablets and printers to create polished and detailed fire sprinkler inspection reports onsite that adhere to NFPA 25 guidelines. We offer to print these reports on-site or email them at the conclusion of your inspection expedite the process of delivering them to you. 


Authority Having Jurisdiction

Reliance Fire Protection takes care of submitting the documentation from the confidence test as required by specific cities. RFP has a specific process that is followed for each inspection to ensure your inspection reports are sent promptly to the fire department that falls within the city limits.



If you have deficiencies that have been indicated during a confidence inspection or assessed a fire code violation from the fire department, please see our Fire Code Violations page for more details on the process and the next step to resolve the problems found.

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